spathoglottis ground orchid


Ground orchids, also known as Spathoglottis or Bletilla striata, are beautiful and relatively easy-to-care-for plants that can add a splash of color to your garden. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you with planting, watering, treatment, fertilizing, and dealing with pests.

Grow Ground Orchids as indoor plant

Growing ground orchids indoors can be a rewarding experience! Here are some tips to help you get started:
1. Choosing the Right Pot and Medium
Pot: Use a pot with good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
Medium:Ground orchids prefer a mix of bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss. This provides the right balance of moisture and aeration1.
2. Light Requirements
Place your orchids in a spot where they receive bright, indirect light. A south or east-facing window is ideal1.
3. Watering
Water your orchids when the potting medium feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot2. Use room-temperature water and ensure it drains well from the pot.
4.Humidity and Temperature
Maintain a humidity level of around 50-70%. You can use a humidity tray or a room humidifier to achieve this1. Keep the temperature between 18-29°C (65-85°F)3.
5. Fertilizing
Feed your orchids with a balanced fertilizer (like 20-20-20) at one-fourth strength once a week during the growing season1.
6. Repotting
Repot your orchids every 1-2 years to refresh the growing medium and provide more space for root growth1.
7. Additional Tips
Ensure good air circulation around your orchids to prevent fungal infections. Regularly check for pests and treat them promptly if found.

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